09.11.23 - Synthetic Aerial Imagery

Synthetic aerial imagery is carving a niche for itself, presenting compelling advantages:

- Affordability for Preparatory Work: It offers a cost-effective alternative for preliminary visualizations or when detailed texture and accuracy are less critical.
- Alternative When Real Imagery is Infeasible: In instances where current aerial or satellite imagery is unattainable or outdated, synthetic imagery provides a viable, albeit less detailed, perspective of the terrain.
- Planned Environment Visualization: This tool excels in constructing visual scenarios for proposed developments or changes, facilitating a forward-looking approach to spatial planning.
- Temporal Stability: Synthetic imagery maintains a consistent appearance, free from atmospheric or seasonal variations, which is advantageous for longitudinal studies that require a static backdrop.
- Reduced Environmental Footprint: The method is environmentally considerate compared to the carbon emissions of aerial survey flights, though the computational demands are not negligible.
- Training Enhancement: Synthetic images can enrich training materials with diverse scenarios, supplementing the diversity of training datasets beyond what limited real-world imagery can provide.

Synthetic aerial imagery should be viewed as a complementary resource within the GIS suite, offering a blend of operational flexibility and strategic value, particularly when conventional imagery acquisition is challenged by logistical, financial, or environmental constraints.
The drawing2map project by an IGN affiliate serves as a compelling showcase of synthetic aerial imagery's capabilities. Simple drawings are turned into map-like images, revealing a straightforward use of the technology. For a direct look at how this works, a video on https://lnkd.in/eQVUAMce provides a real-world demonstration. This illustrates the accessible nature of synthetic imagery in modern GIS practices.
Image Credits: Ruben Gres, IGN
#GIS #GeospatialTechnology #SyntheticAerialImagery #DataVisualization#SpatialAnalysis

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