07.02.23 - Use of geological data throughout the construction cycle, this is what GEOL-BIM does

To be able to easily use geological data throughout the construction cycle of a district or infrastructure such as tunnels, this is one of the objectives of the GEOL_BIM project. Integrate underground information into planning tools that use the BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology.
The combination and sharing of these digital data can improve interdisciplinary collaboration and thus increase efficiency. The result of the GEOL_BIM projet is the creation of a first data model and the ability to transfer these geological informations in the IFC format, standard mostly used in BIM .
The GEOL_BIM project, co-financed by Innosuisse, was carried out under the coordination of the Swiss Association of Geologists CHGEOL, in collaboration with Federal Office of Topography swisstopo and the FHNW.
More details in the latest swisstopo Geologie-news
The illustration below shows a visualization of the swisstopo building modeled in BIM, including geological information, all integrated in the context of the surrounding area, with a 3D model of the neighboring buildings.
Towards a digital construction world, integrating all the value chain, from geological data to GIS and BIM data in an open and standardized environment.

A Geo Innovation News from Swiss Territorial Data Lab (STDL)


Source: géologie-news nº 10, décembre 2022 - swisstopo (admin.ch)
#bimmodeling #data #geology #construction #digitaltransformation

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