02.02.23 - Real time positionning within 25cm precision thanks to Galileo new free service

Positioning in real time with a precision lower than 25 cm (in horizontal), it is now possible with the new free service of Galileo. An accuracy up to 10x higher than the current accuracy in the areas covered.

Galileo, European Union Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), announced last week the launch of its new High Accuracy Service (HAS).

Ground stations are used to correct the signals and thus improve the positioning. In a second phase, the number of stations will be increased to expand the area covered and its performance.

This demonstrates the European leadership, the first constellation to offer this service freely and the investments made to guarantee sovereignty. Geolocation but also time distribution by satellite has become ubiquitous and essential for many domaines : mobility, emergency services, energy, financial services.

This new service also comes with a performance guarantee and a 24/7 support in order to be used for critical applications.

This service opens up new opportunities in precision agriculture, construction, drone navigation and autonomous vehicle development.

A Geo Innovation News for Swiss Territorial Data Lab (STDL)

#geolocation #satellite #gnss

Image: European Space Agency - ESA

Source: Galileo High Accuracy Service goes live! | EU Agency for the Space Programme (europa.eu)

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